Kim Mateus from Mequoda added some useful comments to my "coverage" of her and Don Nicholas' presentation at the annual conference. Since there was too much substance in her post to leave it buried there -- and because she invited me to "re-blog" it (possibly inventing a new word?) -- I am doing just that. Here you go:
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the coverage!
To clarify on some of the points… when Don says that sites with effective conversion architecture see a 6-8% conversion rate, he is referring to visitors converting to email subscribers. Some of the ways to improve site-wide conversion rates is to use Text Links, OFIEs (Order Forms in Editorial), OFINs (Order Forms in Navigation), Floaters and Rapid Conversion Landing Pages, all asking for an email address in exchange for a free special report.
In terms of the rapid conversion landing page (RCLP), you’re absolutely right – publishers should pay lots of attention to this opportunity and use RCLPs as email acquisition goldmines.
The process is to:
Do some keyword research to know what your potential audience is searching for in Google that you have content to support.
Pick one term that you think you can get ranked on (decent search volume with not much competition) and title your free special report accordingly.
Write the report and a rapid conversion landing page and optimize it for that term:
- Include keyword phrase (report name) in meta title of page
- Include keyword phrase in URL string
- Include keyword phrase in meta description
- Write a tip about the new report letting your existing email subscribers know it is available – this encourages pass-along. Of course, optimize the tip and have it point to the RCLP, making sure to link the actual keyword phrase, not “click here”.
- Add a text ad to all of the related content on your site that points to the RCLP (again making sure to link the actual keyword phrase).
- Write a press release announcing the free report and include in the release a link to the RCLP, again making sure to link the actual keyword phrase.
- Let it cook, monitor the position, repeat and reinforce as required until the desired SERP (search engine results page) position is achieved for that particular term. (Blogger's note: this seems a lot like shampoo.)
Here is our RCLP, optimized for the term “landing page templates”:
And go do a Google search for Landing Page Templates – you’ll see us in the number 1 postion!
(Tip: don’t put numbers in the URL string. They won’t help with SEO and if you ever decide to update the report, as we did from 8 LP templates to 12 LP templates, you’re stuck with the old number in the URL!)
And the newest RCLP we just built for, optimized for the term “customer relationship marketing”:
Thanks again for your coverage!
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