Andy McLaughlin, president of PaperClip, and everyone's favorite Tickle Me Elmo (I have no idea), was honored at this week's annual meeting of the Specialized Information Publishers Association. With more than 600 in attendance, Andy was honored for his creative, tireless and effective volunteering and fundraising for the Specialized Information Publishers Foundation.
Obviously surprised and grateful, Andy immediately began discussing his wardrobe, noting that his shirt was cut from the same cloth as the giant curtain behind him. Both were blue, which brought out the color of his veins. Andy was unapologetic for his fundraising tactics, making comparisons to mafia tricks and references to mounting legal fees. In a moment of sincerity, Andy commented on how much he believes in the work of the foundation, whose mission is to promote SIPA through outreach to academics and professionals alike.
Taken by the heft of his plaque, suitable for framing if, apparently, you have a nail the size of a railroad spike, Andy said he'd been looking for a decent paperweight.
Congratulations, Andy, for all you do, and for all the humor with which you do it.
(Dan Warren of Warren Communications and the new SIPF President, presented the award.)
Mom and Dad
Congratulations Andy!! You never lose those strong-armed tactics you learned in the "Coal Region". You listened well. Nice going.
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