Thursday, May 24, 2007

Flickr / Meetup Visionary Speaking June 14 in NYC

Got this email today in case you're interested in a dive into the Web 2.0 pool. For more info go to --Tom

Esther Dyson to Keynote Web 2.0 NY SummitIndustry pioneer, visionary and backer of Flickr and Meetup speaks at Web 2.0 NY Summit on Thursday, June 14 at the Fordham Auditorium on 62nd & Columbus in New York City.The Web 2.0 phenomenon is more than a fad - it is a new way of doing business and it is sweeping through the media business. It is also having a dramatic impact on advertising which is why we have dubbed this Madison Ave. 2.0. We think the wave of acquisitions taking place on Madison Ave has everything to do with this - it will be a major topic of discussion(view our blog to read more.)Come to the Web 2.0 NY Summit to learn how this is changing content, marketing and customer interaction. Learn how to develop your company, sell your products, acquire new customers and raise capital.In addition, we will introduce you to Madison Ave 2.0 the new version of our very popular Local Ad World where you will find how the advertising industry is about change dramatically around this world of social use and technology.You will meet speakers and companies like Shelly Palmer (TV Disrupted), Kara Nortman (Interactive Corp.), Shaival Shah (Oddcast), Doug Perlson (TargetSpot), Jenny Mullen (OgilvyOne), Andrew Weinreich (MeetMoi), Connie Connors (HitTail), Wayne Reuvers (LiveTechnology), Andrew Bloom (Spot Runner), Chris O'Brien (MotionBox), David Teten (Circle of Experts) Gregory Galant (RadioTail), Stephen Rosenbaum (Magnify), Collarity.........


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